Mainline-to-Service Connectors are 3-way, direct bury, waterproof connectors used to join a mainline tracer wire to a service lateral tracer wire. The outer lid locks down, keeping the connection free from contaminants. Available in 3 styles: Standard, Insulation-Piercing, and Pipe Burst.
Mainline-To-Service Connectors eliminate the need to cut the mainline tracer wire, preventing pull-back of the wires. With the Insulation-Piercing connector, you just insert the wires, snap the lid shut, and your connection is made.
3-way, direct bury, waterproof connector used to connect a mainline tracer wire to a service lateral tracer wire.
Connects service lateral tracer wire to mainline tracer wire without having to cut or strip the wires. One piece for easy installation. Comes prefilled with dielectric silicone sealant to prevent corrosion.
Mainline-to-service connector for pipe burst tracer wire. Connects service lateral tracer wire to mainline tracer wire without having to cut the main line. Comes prefilled with dielectric silicone sealant.